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SHAD Top Box

Shad as we today know it was an integral part of the original company established in 1973 with the intent of manufacturing bike seats and covers for other companies present in the local area. But, soon enough Shad witnessed a cultural turn of events and started evolving with the introduction of Japanese companies like Yamaha in the European belt.

The company started their first operations in a small town in Italy close to Barcelona today after many years they have their headquarters in Barcelona while doing business all over the world.

The companies flourished with full force in the late 90s when they expanded to the big players of Europe like BMW and PEUGEOT and finally took a full turn and started manufacturing luggage carriers and side cases for companies.

With experience of over 40 years, Shad today manufactures a range of products like bike seats for some companies and OEM types of equipment which are exported all over the world.

Check out the range of Shad Top Boxes available. Different sizes & capacities – Shad Sh42, Sh29 & more.